
Current News

COVID-19 update for Cuming County

Monday, April 6, 2020

Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department has investigating an additional confirmed COVID-19 case in Cuming County. This individual is a man in his 50’s. Most of his exposures were in a neighboring health district. The investigation is ongoing; any significant public exposures will be publicized and affected individuals will be notified.
A reminder that as case counts continue to rise, the most important public message is that exposures are possible anywhere. Each person should assume the personal responsibility for protecting him or herself from exposure to COVID-19 by staying home. When it is necessary to leave your home, maintain social distancing and practice very meticulous hygiene: wash your hands before and after visiting public spaces such as grocery stores. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer before you go into a store and as soon as you get back to your car. Avoid touching your face.
Pete Ricketts, Governor of Nebraska, put our health district under Directed Health Measures on Sunday, March 29th. These measures are intended to help protect our public by allowing enforcement of social distancing in certain circumstances.
As a reminder, testing updates and results will be posted periodically by our department, but specifics on each case, unless there is a large-scale exposure in a high-risk setting will not be publicized. Nebraska DHHS does provide an age, gender and county for each

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Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department


PO Box 779
2104 21st Circle
Wisner, NE 68791


After Hours: 402.841.8110

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