Eating Smart and Being Active
The evidence-based Eating Smart and Being Active classes are taught in a group setting or individually depending upon the needs of the client(s). These classes are FREE, open to all individuals and are available in English or Spanish. The classes are an 8-session series and include the following lessons:
- Get Moving!
- Plan, Shop, $ave
- Fruits & Veggies: Half your Plate
- Make Half your Grains Whole
- Build Strong Bones
- Go Lean with Protein
- Make a Change
- Celebrate! Eat Smart and Be Active
Through this class series, we help participants make the following healthy lifestyle changes:
- Increase knowledge and improve perceptions about healthy eating and nutrition.
- Increase knowledge and improve perceptions about increasing physical activity.
- Improve healthy food and beverage intake.
- Increase physical activity levels.
- Reduce weight among those whose body mass index indicates that they are overweight or obese.
We welcome all individuals, community agencies, schools, and businesses to be part of this project to reduce obesity and improve healthy lifestyles. To enroll in the classes or to learn more, please call 402-529-2233.
This project is funded by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services’.
Updated: 02/2025