Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department's Children's Gardening Program provides opportunites for healthy eating, physical activity, and hands-on learning by providing activities that connect the garden to the classroom. Gardeing is an evidence-based practice shown to increase children's fruit and vegetable consumption based on systematic reviews. The program includes curriculum to learn about and taste test 12 different fruits and vegetables and information on how to plan, plant, and maintain a garden for your organization.
To date, 15 organizations within ELVPHD's district are participating in the gardening program.

Program Materials
- ELVPHD's Children's Gardening Program Curriculum was created using a combination of existing gardening resources - please see the resources section below for further information
- The curriculum provides learning materials for 12 different fruits and vegetables along with taste testing activities
- The goal of the progam is to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among children and to provide opportunities for physical activity through gardening
- Find the curriculum here: ELVPHD Children's Gardening Program Curriculum

- There is a book to go along with each lesson, these books are availble for check-out at no cost through ELVPHD

Center for Rural Affairs - Farm to School
Farm to Preschool
Farm to School - Nebraska
Got Dirt? - A Garden Toolkit for Implementing Youth Gardens
Harvest for Healthy Kids
Updated: 2/22/2022