Weight Loss Programs by ELVPHD
Reducing obesity rates in our district is one of our top priorities. Data shows that 39.4% of ELVPHD service area residents are obese and this has traditionally been higher than the national average. In addition to healthy weight statistics, 71% of our residents also reported eating less than the recommended servings of fruit, 11.5% reported eating no vegetables on an average day and 72% did not exercise for at least 20-30 minutes more than 3 times per week.
To help people in our health district choose to adopt a healthier lifestyle, we have two programs which we invite you to be a part of - SCALE DOWN Weight Loss and Just for the Health of It (health coaching)! Please see below for details and how to get started! In addition to the two individual programs noted below, we also work with businesses in our district to provide health coaching/worksite wellness sessions in a group format (often over the lunch hour or before/after work on site at the business).
Scale Down Weight Loss Program: This program includes 22 sessions over the course of 1 year and is based upon the National Diabetes Prevention Program. Making lifelong, sustainable healthy lifestyle changes is the goal of the program. We have had over 200 people participate in our program with a combined weight loss of 2,576 pounds! We offer the SCALE DOWN program twice a year in different communities throughout our health district. If you would like to be notified of the next SCALE DOWN series then please email us at info@elvphd.ne.gov and we will add you to our notification list.
Just for the Health of It...Health Coaching: Ladies...Are you ready to do something for YOUR health? We invite you to take advantage of our FREE health coaching sessions! Health coaching is about helping YOU achieve what YOU want! We would love to help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals...

Updated 02/2025