
Current News

First COVID death in ELVPHD district, other investigation updates

Thursday, April 2, 2020

On Wednesday, April 1st, Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department received confirmation of the first COVID-19 death in Madison County. This death was that of a woman in her 70s that was previously reported as a confirmed case in Madison County. The woman had multiple underlying medical conditions.
ELVPHD was in the process of conducting a contact investigation at the time of the death. All community contacts identified were reached, and all are self-quarantining per our department’s recommendations.
In addition, ELVPHD staff initiated and completed the contact investigation of the Cuming County case that was reported yesterday. After a very thorough interview and investigation, all identified contacts were called and all are self-quarantining per our department’s recommendations. There were no public points of exposure. This case is being labeled as community spread in that it cannot be linked to any known source or point of exposure.
Last, one additional COVID-19 case was confirmed in Madison County today. This third case is a woman in her 70s with multiple underlying medical conditions. This investigation is underway.
As cases continue to appear in the ELVPHD district, and across the state and nation, it is imperative that the public partake in personal protective measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Those include social distancing, frequent handwashing, avoiding contact with sick people, avoiding touching of mouth, nose and eyes, and clean and disinfect frequently touched items and surfaces daily.
The entire ELVPHD district was placed under Directed Health Measures on Sunday, March 29th, and will continue at least through Mary 6th, unless otherwise extended.

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Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department


PO Box 779
2104 21st Circle
Wisner, NE 68791


After Hours: 402.841.8110

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