$125,000 Grant Awarded
to Healthy Communities Initiative
Healthy Communities Initiative (HCI) is pleased to tell it
has been awarded a $125,000 grant from Drug Free Communities for
2014-2015. This is the fourth year that
HCI has received the DFC grant for a total to date of $500,000. Also, HCI has
obtained over $125,000 of non-governmental match of in-kind services for each
of the prior years under the DFC Grant.
HCI is a substance abuse prevention coalition that was
formed in 2003 by a small group of interested stakeholders. Since then, HCI has grown from a small,
informal group to a full-functioning coalition. Today there is a Project Coordinator,
Director and Board of Directors. The Board is made up of people from
twelve areas: youth, parents, business, media, schools, police, religious or
fraternal organizations, civic or volunteer groups, minorities, healthcare
experts, state, local or tribal government agencies and other organizations
involved in reducing substance abuse.
HCI serves the counties of Burt, Cuming, Stanton and Madison
which consists of 2,020 square miles and a population of about 57,000.
HCI’s focus is on substance abuse prevention among youth and growing
community partnerships to help bring our prevention message to all people in
our service area. HCI’s activities include:
abuse prevention education in 12 area schools
and marketing programs
Beverage Server Training with TIPS
drug take-back events
and sobriety checks with the Nebraska State Patrol, and
Vision Google presentations.
HCI welcomes people and businesses to give input towards reducing a major
growing problem in our area. Trainings, taking part in activities, and
“speaking up” for your community is just a small part of what HCI has to offer!
If you are interested in learning more about HCI or going to
a meeting, please visit the website at www.hcicoalition.org or call