Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department (ELVPHD) is
excited to announce a new fall prevention program called Stepping On. Stepping On is
an evidence-based program and studies have shown that the fall rate among Stepping On
participants was reduced about 30 percent compared with those who did not
participate in the program. Preventing
falls in people 65 and older is important to helping
seniors live independently.
According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, nationally one in three adults aged 65 and older falls
each year and 2 million are treated for fall-related injuries in the emergency
room. Research shows that of those that
fall each year, less than half tell their doctor and falling one time doubles
the chances of having a future fall. Within the ELVPHD health district,
about 1 in 4 (22.7%) people aged 45 and over had fallen in the past year
according to the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data
compared to 26.1% for the State of Nebraska overall. Many falls can be
prevented and programs such as Stepping
On gives seniors the tools they need to reduce their chance of falling.
The program is open to the public will meet once per week
for seven weeks from 10am – 12pm beginning Monday, July 25th at the Norfolk
Senior Center. Topics will include: vision, outdoor safety, footwear,
medication management, home safety, mobility aids, balance and exercise. In
addition to the program facilitator, guest experts will lead some sessions. The
class is free and registration is required. Please contact ELVPHD at
402-529-2233 or info@elvphd.org for more
information or to register for Stepping