
Current News

Quarantine Letter for Employees of Tyson, members of the general public, and media outlets

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Date: 4/22/2020
To: Employees of Tyson, members of the general public, and media outlets
From: Gina Uhing, Health Director, Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department
Re: Quarantine of ill and/or exposed Tyson employees

Due to the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 at the Tyson plant in Madison, NE, the Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department (ELVPHD) feels it is necessary to inform the employees of Tyson, the media, and members of the general public of the proper protocol related to COVID-19 quarantine. This protocol aligns with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Directed Health Measure Order 2020-010:
If anyone, including an employee of Tyson, have had symptoms of any type (fever, cough, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, loss of taste/smell, body aches, etc.), they are to stay home for a MINIMUM of 14 days. Of those 14 days, the last 72 hours MUST be symptom free. Anyone not symptom free for the last 72 hours of the 14 days must remain in quarantine until symptom free for 72 consecutive hours. Again, the minimum absence is 14 days.
This quarantine order includes all of the following per the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Directed Health Measure Order 2020-010:
 Tested and symptomatic- Minimum of 14 days out of work, of those 14 days, the last 72 hours MUST be symptom free.
 Not tested, but symptomatic- Minimum of 14 days out of work, of those 14 days, the last 72 hours MUST be symptom free.
 Negative COVID test, but still symptomatic with any of the following: fever, cough, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, loss of taste/smell, body aches, etc.)- Minimum of 14 days out of work, of those 14 days, the last 72 hours MUST be symptom free.
 Anyone calling in for even one day- Minimum of 14 days out of work, of those 14 days, the last 72 hours MUST be symptom free.
 Anyone calling in sick due to sick children in the home- Minimum of 14 days out of work.
For anyone symptomatic, the household members must also follow the 14-day quarantine protocol. After the 14 days are completed, household members must quarantine for an extra 7 days and must have had 72 consecutive hours of being symptom free before returning back to work. In addition, the following 7 days they are to self-monitor themselves for any symptoms that may appear.

For anyone in a critical infrastructure role, such as Tyson as a member of the food chain production, that has been exposed and/or tested and have not exhibited any symptoms as stated above, may continue work under the following conditions:
 You must self-monitor for symptoms- if you begin to develop even one symptom of fever, cough, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, loss of taste/smell, or body aches, you MUST quarantine for a minimum of 14 days, of those 14 days, the last 72 hours MUST be symptom free.
 You MUST properly wear a mask (covering the mouth and nose) at ALL times while at work.
 If you car pool with an employee who has become symptomatic, you need try and find an alternative transportation method.
Additional steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 include:
 Separate yourself from other people in your house
 Avoid sharing personal household items
 Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer
 Disinfect high touch surfaces
 Cover your coughs and sneezes
 Upon arriving at home after work, immediately shower or bathe, and change clothes
 If you must carpool, do so with a mask on
 Aside from work, stay home, shop alone once a week, help kids follow social distancing rules, and help seniors stay home by shopping for them.

If you develop any of the symptoms above, please contact your health care provider and the Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department at 402-529-2233. Additional information about COVID-19 is available at:
It is very important that everyone comply with this alert regarding self-quarantine. Your health (and the health of others) depends on it. Thank you for your cooperation and help during this public health emergency.


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Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department


PO Box 779
2104 21st Circle
Wisner, NE 68791


After Hours: 402.841.8110

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