
Current News

Zika Virus Bears Watching for Area Health Department

Monday, March 28, 2016

Posted: Friday, March 25, 2016 8:29 am

MADISON — The quickness with which this week’s blizzard arrived and melted is a sure sign that spring is around the corner.

That means warmer weather, as well as the return of mosquitoes.

Along with concerns about viruses spread by mosquitoes comes a new one — the Zika virus.

In Brazil, microcephaly and other problems have been detected among fetuses and infants infected with Zika virus before birth. More research is being done, but it is known that the virus can be spread through mosquitoes.

Heather Drahota, health and safety programs manger for Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department based in Wisner, was asked about concerns relating to the virus for the region during a recent Madison County board of commissioners’ meeting.

“There is a slight concern,” Drahota said.

The Zika virus itself has symptoms that aren’t terribly severe. The main issue with the virus is so that pregnant women aren’t exposed because it has been linked to microcephaly, she said.

The symptoms include fever, rash and joint pain. For the most part, it doesn’t pose any serious dangers for healthy adults, Drahota said.

The multi-county health department follows the Centers for Disease Control recommendations, including that pregnant women not to travel to countries where it is known to exist.

Additionally, pregnant women should wear mosquito repellent and wear long-sleeved shirts in places where mosquitoes are known to be.

The health department serves Madison, Stanton, Cuming and Burt counties with offices in Wisner, Norfolk and a recently opened one in Tekamah. Employees come from all four counties.

The department will continue to monitor the Zika virus as part of its services, Drahota said.

The department gets funds through a variety of sources, including Region IV, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the federal government.

The department is currently going through an accreditation process. A site visit is scheduled for June, with the accreditation made through a national board.

Accreditation is fairly new to the state health departments. If approved, it will be for five years.

The department also is putting together its annual report, which is expected to be released within six weeks.

Drahota said the best way to look for programs and services that the department offers is to check out its website at or go to its Facebook page.

A few of the services are dental services to children, various screenings, immunizations and obesity prevention.

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Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department


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2104 21st Circle
Wisner, NE 68791


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